How to develop reusable Invocable Apex methods for Flows
Salesforce is adding many new features and capabilities to Flows. But there are still some scenarios where you need to call apex methods from Flows to execute complex operations - when Flow is not capable of doing that or the performance will be low when you implement that using flows. Let us see how we can build reusable apex methods for Flows. For this let us consider 2 sample scenarios: Scenario 1 - Quick Create Account/Contact I want to build a screen, where the user can select the object needs to be created, and then create a record of that object by entering the required details. Also if the record creation is getting failed, I want to create an exception record with details. Solution Let us see how we can utilize Apex action for this. For this first let us create an Apex Invocable method, which can accept a list of wrapper class as shown below: You can see, this invocable method is accepting a List of wrapper class variables and also returning a list of wrapper class variab...